RE: Universal distributed open government data catalog?

Antti, do you know about the ebXML registry specification and particularly
the Registry Information Model (RIM)?  

See & 

See also

Owen Ambur
Co-Chair, AIIM StratML Committee
Co-Chair Emeritus, CoP
Communications/Membership Director, FIRM
Former Project Mananger,
Invited Expert, W3C eGov IG

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Antti Poikola
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 8:02 AM
To: eGov IG
Subject: Universal distributed open government data catalog?

How the interoperability of the different data katalogs could be done so 
that the the national, regional and independent catalogs could produce 
togeather a universal, but distributed open government data catalog?

We have a simple case here in Finland:

During this year 2010 most propably 3 new catalogs will open

1. National Official
2. Regional (Helsinki capital city region)
3. Independent developer community catalog

How can we make sure that the catalogs work togeather between three of 
them and togeather with the rest of the catalogs:

 From the EU PSI (Public Sector Information) directive papers:

"Future revisions to the PSI Directive should require the development of 
PSI information asset registers using standard metadata. For the benefit 
of countries where standards for PSI asset registers are not yet 
developed, work on the development of pan-European standards for PSI 
asset registers should be supported and should take into account 
existing national initiatives."


Received on Tuesday, 2 February 2010 16:22:32 UTC