RE: Discussion points per this morning's call

I've been quiet of recent but don't forget folks:

1. The Internet is only one channel of information/ service delivery and anything made available that route needs to consider those without access or abilility to access it. The performance measure would be the transfer of users to that channel from other more costly channels, but without closing them (using the efficiency saving to improve them).

2, We're talking Web 2.0/3.0 today but plans need to project for the technology of the future. As generation X use Web 2.0/3.0, generation Z will use technology 4.0 - we are on a constantly moving platform. This also means that we may be gaining adherents when we move to Web 2.0 but their will be younger ones just taking up the latest  whatever?

3. Standards need to assist in moving the services/information into the older channels.

Great work has been done so far, but lets not lose sight of reality.


Mick Phythian
Research Student
Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility
Faculty of Technology, 
De Montfort University 
The Gateway, LEICESTER, LE1 9BH


Received on Thursday, 28 May 2009 06:55:30 UTC