Re: Social Media Project Task

Guys, sorry I'm reacting late due to several issues.

All good points.

Just for the benefit of the people new to the group, there are a few  
"own" resources you might want to review (if you haven't done so yet)  
(I hope I didn't send them already, apologies if so)

* "Social Media in eGovernment"
this is the paper the Chairs submitted on behalf of the group for the  
W3C workshop on the future of social media:

* "Participation and Engagement" section of the "Improving" Group Note

* Some IG's presence in social media

* W3C Social Web Incubator Group
we have a liaison with this group, and we should explore further  
collaboration possibilities. I think both groups could complement each  
other well and we could bring the eGov POV to their work and vice-versa.


El 14/12/2009, a las 20:24, Brian Gryth escribió:
> Chris
> You make very good points.  Maybe the case studies can be  
> highlighted in the IG note.  I do think that case studies outside of  
> government will be helpful.  Governments have tended to approach  
> social media in a one dimensional approach.  There are exceptions  
> (like the EPA, DARPA, NASA in the US).  But businesses and other  
> organizations have found some pretty innovative ways to use social  
> media tools (i.e. Comcast, Virgin Airlines, and others).
> Owen, also makes good point that the open government directives  
> "collaboration" and "participation" objectives make our social media  
> work and the useful of technologies like StratML timely (at least in  
> the US).
> I would still like to see the social media project support the  
> outreach effort of the group in promoting the Open Government Data  
> and Linked Government Data projects.  Seems like the prefect vehicle  
> for making our point of social media.
> Brian
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 2:29 AM, Chris Beer < 
> > wrote:
> Hi Brian
> The Social Media project as stated is something that I think really  
> needs to be done - the fact is that there is a lot of policy as well  
> as technology and practicalities that any .gov entity moving into  
> the SM space will want hard direction on - such as an IG note.
> But you're right - we should practise what we preach. I think it's a  
> brilliant idea, especially given the state of our case studies  
> page :) And it could almost be it's own project. The problem with  
> utilising it as a method for case study is the W3C is not a  
> government organisation, and ultimately, we don't face, and unless  
> simulated (on which bias could be called) can't really convey the  
> issues faced by governments. While I think it will have merit as a  
> case study into how collaboration can work (W3C is collaboratively  
> driven after all, and a case study of the formulation of any W3C  
> official document would work equally as well), what we really need  
> are case studies from within the .gov.* sphere.
> My two cents :)
> Cheers
> Chris Beer
> Canberra, Australia
> Brian Gryth wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I wanted to flush out an idea before proposing/posting it to the  
>> project wiki page.
>> One of the projects this group has identified regards the use of  
>> social media tools by government entities.
>> The projects wiki pages states that the IG will augment work that  
>> has already been done by other groups by including the IGs  
>> "international, standards-based perspective" in the discussion.   
>> (Which could be useful if we would say anything different or new).   
>> As stated on the project page, the work product to be generated  
>> would be a W3C Interest Group Note.  If this is the desired outcome  
>> of the group, I think that it will be fine and will added to the  
>> discourse.
>> Alternatively, I would like to suggest that the social media  
>> project be a practical experiment that generates a use case of how  
>> the IG utilized social media tools for the outreach and education  
>> aspect of the second charter.  I believe that social media is  
>> augment to an agency’s or organizations work.  So I suggest that we  
>> use the social media project as a method to augment the OGD and LGD  
>> projects and as a way to distribute the demos and other materials  
>> produced by the group.  All of those efforts can lead to a use case  
>> for how to use social media by a organization.
>> Please comment as I would like to hear the thoughts of others.
>> Thanks
>> Brian
>> Brian Peltola Gryth
>> 715 Logan street
>> Denver, CO 80203
>> 303-748-5447

Received on Sunday, 27 December 2009 12:38:07 UTC