Re: OGD flyer feedback...

I think the flyer looks great!

I also wonder, are legal/licensing concerns entirely orthogonal here?

For example, would it be out of place to request that data should be
legally available for re-use (e.g. using a license/legal tool that
conforms with

Federal government material in the US is already in the public domain,
and increasingly non-Federal departments are making their material
open. In the EU there is the PSI Directive which is encouraging member
states to make their material legally open. OECD strongly
recommendation making core PSI legally open. My feeling is that legal
openness is an important aspect of open government data.


On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 10:03 AM, Peter Krantz<> wrote:
> Hi!
> Since launching (in swedish - sorry) I have
> been contacted by various agencies with questions on how to proceed
> with open data initiatives. I have suggested a similar approach to the
> items listed in the OGD flyer with emphasis on the first step; "put
> whatever you have online now in whatever format it is". In the first
> point I have suggested that an agency also should clarify usage
> restrictions (or lack of) to make sure people understood that they
> could use the data for whatever purpose they like.
> This has proved to be very efficient. Many government representatives
> approach open data cautiously thinking that it may involve a lot of
> time/money to put it online. When they hear about the first step they
> have been relieved.
> I believe the flyer could be a very efficient method to increase
> awareness about OGD. It would be great if the raw materials for the
> flyer could be available for translation.
> Regards,
> Peter Krantz
> On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 22:39, Adam Harvey<> wrote:
>> Hello folks,
>> I've attached some preliminary graphic ideas.

Jonathan Gray

Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation

Received on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 13:41:59 UTC