RE: directory of social media in governments

I took a look at TNO's strategy with the thought of converting it to StratML
format but was unable to discern their goals and objectives among their
expressions of themes, approach, markets, and core areas: 

BTW, wouldn't it be nice if the social media sites were documenting their
goals and objectives in StratML format so that they could be automatically
indexed to facilitate query, discovery, and evaluation on the Web?

Wouldn't it also be nice if the social media were implementing the emerging
StratML standard in their own services to enable their stakeholders to
connect more efficiently and effectively based upon shared goals and
objectives -- regardless of where individuals choose to document their own
goals and objective on the Web?

It would be good if such prospects could be considered at the W3C's upcoming
workshop on social networking. 

Owen Ambur
Co-Chair Emeritus, xmlCoP  
Co-Chair, AIIM StratML Committee
Member, AIIM iECM Committee 
Invited Expert, W3C eGov IG
Membership Director, FIRM Board  
Former Project Manager, 

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Jose M. Alonso
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 5:42 AM
To: Ari Schwartz
Cc: eGov IG
Subject: Re: directory of social media in governments

El 15/12/2008, a las 13:27, Jose M. Alonso escribió:
> El 01/12/2008, a las 12:46, Jose M. Alonso escribió:
>> Hi Ari,
>> Someone just pointed me to this one:
>> It apparently compiles social media related services in use or  
>> offered by the government. For the moment it seems focused on the  
>> Anglo-Saxon world.
>> I thought it could be of some help for the "participation in social  
>> media" topic area.
> Additionally, GovTwit, government agencies using Twitter:

...and wihle we are here, I also reminded there is a European project  
compiling cases:

Unfortunately, only name plus summary, no search available, and  
difficult to identify to what country or knowledge area they are  
related to.


> J.
>> Cheers,
>> Jose.
>> --
>> Jose M. Alonso <>    W3C/CTIC
>> eGovernment Lead        

Received on Tuesday, 30 December 2008 16:59:02 UTC