RE: Proposal for Input Events - inputType and default actions

I think we now have 4 things to agree on before we publish a FPWD of Input Events:
1) Do we need a target range?
2) Should we include a src on beforeInput (such as pointer, keyboard, button, etc)?
3) Should we include a DIE event type that will occur in keyboard, pointer, touch, mouse, etc events?
4) Does the current draft cover IME/overtype/spellchecking well enough for FPWD?

The first 2 should be easy and I think we should include both a targetRange and a src.

The 3rd might be a little harder, but seems necessary for feature detection, allowing script to know if an Input Event is coming or if it needs to directly handle a Device-Specific Event. Are there thoughts in how to handle this? Should we change the other specs by working with their owners, or should we include changes to keyboardEvent, PointerEvent, TouchEvent, etc in our specs?

The 4th just requires a response from all interested parties based on the newest version of Input Events linked below.

Let me know what you think!


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Peters 
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 3:28 PM
To: 'public-editing-tf'
Subject: RE: Proposal for Input Events - inputType and default actions

I have now updated the live demo to show the changes in this document

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Peters 
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2015 11:10 AM
To: public-editing-tf
Subject: Proposal for Input Events - inputType and default actions

I have updated the draft of Input Event with ideas on how we could determine the inputType[1] and the default action[2]. Please let me know what you think.

inputTypes are replaceText, insertNewline, formatContent, deleteContent, undo, redo Only replaceText has a default behavior, and it depends on being contained in a text node The shape of the event is heading the right direction but I don't think it's complete yet.



Received on Monday, 23 February 2015 22:10:25 UTC