CG chairs

Hello CG participants,

First of all I would like to say: THANK YOU to everyone who supported
creation of this group and joined it!

Currently together with Lynn Foster, Bob Haugen and few other people we
focus on which we should properly present to this
group sometimes in November. After that I hope we can start planing
regular meetings of this CG starting from January 2016.

I noticed that Lissa Coffey currently appears as chair of this group

Warm welcome to the group Lissa!

I would like to propose that we will discuss who will take roles of CG
on this thread before agreeing that someone assigns oneself. Could you
please at least for now change your role to participant using link
above? I will also like to propose that we all can already start
introducing ourselves to other participants of this group :)

At the same time I would like to ask Lynn Foster and Daniel Harris, who
helped with starting this group, if you would consider taking together
responsibility of initial group chairs. Once more people join IMO we
should bring this discussion topic again. Most likely sometimes in December.

Greetings, currently from Amsterdam o/

Received on Monday, 26 October 2015 11:52:39 UTC