Bug 039: No Bug Tracker

This is feedback on the EARL 1.0 suite announcement:

Call for Review: EARL 1.0 Last Call Working Draft

Specifically, on the feedback process.

I'm having to submit these bug reports to this list as specified in
the documents up for review and the review announcement. But I'm
experiencing some disadvantages to this, especially in having to come
up with my own bug numbering scheme, which is inconsistent with the
numbering scheme of the mailing list archives, and in having to issue
corrections to my reports in the form of threaded information.

Somebody who comes across, say, Bug 036 here:


May be confused at seeing it referred to as a Last Call Working Draft.
This was partly because the announcement calls the document a working
draft and that the W3C homepage made much fanfare about EARL being at
Last Call; partly because I just copy and paste these report
introductions out of a template to avoid going mad; and partly because
I was not attentive enough at looking at the apparatus of the
document. I mean it's not like the big red status marker at the side
is easy to miss.

At any rate, I made the mistake and perhaps others would make the same
mistake, and reading this bug may unduly influence them too, or at
least adds general confusion. It would be nice to be able to edit bugs
in place, which is what a bug tracker or at least a wiki would
provide. Otherwise, to see the correction that I made, they have to
find the “Next in thread” option crammed into the list of options at
the bottom of the archive page. It's a lot easier to miss that than a
big red status marker.

So a bug tracker or a wiki would help tired reviewers to make sure
that things are consistent, and be helpful for the reviewer, fellow
reviewers, and the group in managing these bug reports.

Sean B. Palmer, http://inamidst.com/sbp/

Received on Thursday, 12 May 2011 13:31:06 UTC