Conneg steps to CR

All, but especially Lars and the conneg team,

It appears that there will very soon be a version of the Conneg draft
that the WG can review. Getting it to the group sooner rather than later
would be good because there hasn't been a review, AFAIK, since December.
(There wasn't any discussion that I can find relating to the 2PWD in
April.) Because people are busy it would be good to direct them to
significant content in this version.

There also needs to be evidence of wide community review, and response
to any issues. The issues that have come up on github look to be taken
care of there, but that mainly seems to involve folks also working on
the IETF document. I believe that W3C management will be looking for
outreach to a wider community. If you have an outreach plan, please send
a link.

Assuming that the draft can be issued to the WG this week or next,
please be prepared to attend the upcoming plenary meetings to discuss
what you need from the working group members, and to answer any
questions. This is your opportunity to gather support within the working
group for a vote that would lead to a recommendation.

Thank you,
kc (& Peter in spirit)
Karen Coyle
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Tuesday, 10 September 2019 17:38:46 UTC