Re: Poll for DXWG to Proposed Recommendation

Hi Linda
This poll is to agree to go forward with the transition to putting DCAT
version 2 draft forward for recommendation as the new standard

On Wed, 15 May 2019, 08:40 Linda van den Brink, <>

> Dear Pedro,
> I apologise as I have not been able to follow the work on DCAT v2 closely
> and I apologise in advance if the question I have stems from my omission to
> do so.
> I’m confused by the proposed transition to Proposed Recommendation. I’ve
> not been able to find a published Candidate Recommendation, which is
> normally the preceding stage in a w3c document’s lifecycle. I did find a
> recent proposal to transition the draft to a new stage but it was to
> transition to Candidate rec, not Proposed rec.
> Can you please clarify?
> Linda van den Brink
> *Van:* pedro winstley <>
> *Verzonden:* zondag 12 mei 2019 23:53
> *Aan:* Dataset Exchange Working Group <>;
>; Dave Raggett <>; Karen Coyle <
> *Onderwerp:* Poll for DXWG to Proposed Recommendation
> Dear Colleagues
>  is a poll asking for your
> views about the proposal to transition the DCAT Version 2 draft to Proposed
> Recommendation.
> Please can you complete as soon as possible, and before 20 May.
> Note that this is for version 2.  There are aspects such as versioning
> that have been held back in the github backlog for the next version.
> Many thanks
> Peter

Received on Wednesday, 15 May 2019 07:48:34 UTC