Re: DCAT sub-group call 2019.03.13

Wow, folks, this is huge! With this it looks like we have a plan to get
to CR and a way to look to the future.

I'm conferring with Philippe on how to keep the group "live" (as in
"evergreen") for maintenance of the recommendation.

For those who were not on the last call, please check the minutes [1]
which are very complete (thanks to Annette!), and we'll get into more
detail in coming weeks.


On 3/14/19 2:51 AM, wrote:
> Minutes of the meeting can be found here:
> The meeting addressed the most critical points in the agenda –
> specifically the publication planning (the steps to CR/PR discussed in
> the plenary the previous day) and any key decisions needed.  The meeting
> overran considerably – thank you to all who attended for their flexibility.
> 1.  After much discussion, the sub-group agreed on a way forward on data
> service/data api modelling in the context of this DCAT revision and the
> time available to progress it
> ( Obviously the
> (small) changes to the draft revision will be subject to review by the
> full WG before progressing to CR.  Essentially, the document will say
> less about sub-classes of data services than it does now, since we now
> feel that getting agreement (and ensuring that we get adequate coverage
> of practice in this space) isn’t practical in the time now available. 
> Any potential analysis and elaboration of this feature will be recorded
> in the backlog for future work
> 2. On the practical steps needed to get to a CR.  We have to follow
> through on the resolution in (1) and there are numerous editorial issues
> that need addressing. To manage this, we plan to use github milestones. 
> There are 2 of interest:  Open issues in DCAT CR
> ( will be those that must be
> addressed before CR, while Open issues in DCAT Backlog
> ( are those ‘features’ (to use
> the language from the plenary) or other issues that cannot be included
> in this new version of the DCAT spec for whatever reason.  We need to do
> a bit of work/review of issues to make sure the contents of these
> milestones are accurate but the bulk of the classification for the DCAT
> CR  should be done by end of day 15^th March (CET).  At that point we
> should have an idea of whether its practical to get this done by end
> March. (Not yet clear if the Backlog will formally include all issues
> tagged as DCAT or only those where we have done work but have frozen
> them as incomplete at the time of the cut off, but please bear with us
> as we see what is useful)
> This leaves one issue that we’d like to discuss in the plenary next week
> (19^th March) and perhaps pass to the chairs to progress with W3
> representatives/management.  At the end of this triage (and addressing
> the open issues in DCAT CR), we will be asking the WG to agree that the
> candidate recommendation is good to go.  It was clear in the DCAT
> sub-group meeting that people may feel that certain features or
> improvements to the recommendation can be deferred to a later version
> provided that later version is in the comparatively near future rather
> than years away.  This way of operating was mentioned in the plenary,
> but the details /process weren’t discussed in detail, and of course not
> all active WG members could attend that meeting.  Having a clearly
> defined plan (or simply an outline of the process we’ll be following) to
> address the backlog issues, with an understanding of the decision points
> should help us all understand the effect of the triage we are doing and
> hopefully make people more comfortable that the deferred issues will be
> looked after expeditiously.  For example, after the discussions on data
> service etc, it’s clear there is an opportunity to do more there and
> improve interoperability as a consequence, and it would be unfortunate
> to not follow up. In fact, publishing the DCAT revision in the way we
> plan to do may bring new use cases from a wider community, and allow the
> DCAT vocabulary to become more widely useful, but when we discussed this
> in the sub-group it wasn’t clear what the process would be to move on to
> a “1.2” if the charter expires in June.  Hopefully the contents of the
> backlog will help scope the appetite for continuation.
> Hope that makes sense – might be easiest to discuss on the call on Tuesday.
> *From:* []
> *Sent:* 12 March 2019 17:12
> *To:*
> *Subject:* DCAT sub-group call 2019.03.13
> Draft agenda is at
> *David Browning  *

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234 (Signal)
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Received on Thursday, 14 March 2019 16:12:18 UTC