Update on conneg deliverables

Dear all,

At the conneg subgroup Wednesday this week (minutes at [1]) we reviewed the path towards the 2PWD. We agreed that the focus of the 2PWD should be to address the feedback we've got so far. The relevant issues can be found in the github milestone [2].

This and next week, Nick and Rob will be busy preparing the profgui 2PWD but after that we'll join forces to work on the conneg 2PWD expecting to have it ready for WG review at the end of February. We also agreed that since there will be an extra sprint meeting for profgui, we will use next week's timeslot for the profgui meeting for a sprint on the conneg doc.

Regarding the IETF document [3], Ruben and I will do another sprint in March and then the I-D should be ready for WG review before we send it off to the IETF

[1] https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:CNEG-Telecon2019.02.13

[2] https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/milestone/17

[3] https://profilenegotiation.github.io/I-D-Profile-Negotiation/I-D-Profile-Negotiation.html



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Received on Saturday, 16 February 2019 14:28:50 UTC