RE: DCAT Sprint - Tuesday 5th February 21:00 UTC - feature: dcat:distibution.

An agenda and meeting details can be found at

David Browning  
Platform Architect, Refinitiv

Phone: +41 41 723 29 42 
Mobile: +41 79 812 61 23
The Financial and Risk business of 
Thomson Reuters is now Refinitiv

-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: 31 January 2019 10:20
Subject: DCAT Sprint - Tuesday 5th February 21:00 UTC - feature: dcat:distibution.

As discussed via doodle poll/DCAT subgroup meeting, the first DCAT sprint will take place next Tuesday 5th February 2100 UTC till 23:00 UTC.  This will be a working meeting looking at the outstanding issues (and any associated concerns raised in external or internal feedback) and will aim to pull together appropriate conclusions and text to be contributed to the working draft.  The current idea will be to work around a google doc that should allow effective collaboration from all participants, though other ideas are welcome.

The webex details for the meeting have already been sent out to the WG mail ( ).

The remaining open issues in github are listed at .  If anyone (potential attendee or not) wants to add more please make sure they are tagged with dcat:distribution.

There are obvious topics around "informationally equivalent", packages/zips, positioning of distributions with respect to services as well as others that don't necessarily stand out from the detail - the meeting can decide how we work through this, what the priority is, what will benefit from discussion.

Note:  The regular DCAT meeting will still be held on Wednesday 6th February at 21:00 UTC for 1 hr as usual, to cover broader progress discussions, feedback handling etc

David Browning


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Received on Tuesday, 5 February 2019 10:24:55 UTC