Profiles Vocabulary paper for ISWC

Dear WG,

The attached paper about PROF has been submitted for the International Semantic Web Conference. It is a much updated version of our paper that was rejected from the Extended Semantic Web Conference. The rejection was partly based on the following points from reviewers:

  *   The current paper has no contribution, as it summarizes a w3c draft specification.
  *   Methodology aspects are not mentioned
  *   The vocabulary is not evaluated
  *   Vocabulary status is still draft; it is not clear how much change will happen after this submission
  *   Usage of the ontology is not clear due to the draft status

For this submission, we have addressed all of these points, principally by:

  *   Including more, better examples
  *   Including expected uses
  *   UCR requirements
  *   A more mature vocab - 2PWD
     *   note that the core vocab hasn't changed other than the removal of Base Specification since the last submission but it still may, as noted in the paper
  *   an implementation, to be part of the Rec status requirements
     *   2 implementations needed. We have one, will likely have several

There will be a review and response period (unless the paper is rejected outright) so if you have points to make about the paper, please let me or the co-authors (Rob, Alejandra, Andrea, Antoine) know.



Nicholas Car
Senior Experimental Scientist
CSIRO Land & Water
41 Boggo Road, Dutton Park, QLD 4102, Australia
E<> M 0477 560 177 P 07 3833 5632

Received on Tuesday, 9 April 2019 07:45:12 UTC