Prof Vocabulary Public Working Draft

Dear colleagues and collaborators  is a new public working
draft on the The Profiles Vocabulary for comment  - please send all of your
comments through this public mailing list.

The working draft is exactly that, work in progress.  There are several
areas still under discussion, and these are clearly marked in the draft
and  should form part of your review.  The working group will welcome
proposals from readers on how to resolve these issues.

With regard to timing, please be aware that the work on the Profiles
Vocabulary and the guidance on profiles has been put on hold until the end
of May to allow the working group members to focus on completing their work
on DCAT 2 and on the recommendation on Content Negotiation by Profile.  So,
please make your comments on the mailing list when you want to but be aware
that they will not be acted on for a couple of months.

Kind regards

Peter & Karen - Chairs

Received on Tuesday, 2 April 2019 16:21:36 UTC