pySHACL - SHACL validator

Hi all

We have implemented a Python SHACL validator working on top of Python's rdflib for those of you who want a simple way of validating RDF data against a SHACL shapes graph:

We needed this tool at CSIRO for projects but it also gives us an easy way to test implementations of (instances of) ProfileDesc for conformance to a Shapes graph we will make from the ProfileDesc OWL file. Specifically the tool lets us run batch jobs since it's a Python module able to be run on the command line. DCAT systems integrate this tool into any Python or Linux system easily.

It caters for all core SHACL constraints now and we will complete the SPARQL-based constraints shortly, likely within a week. It also can use OWL-RL for RDFS or RL inferencing on data graphs before validation which would help with testing the new DCAT upper classes.



Nicholas Car
Senior Experimental Scientist
CSIRO Land & Water
41 Boggo Road, Dutton Park, QLD 4102, Australia
E<> M 0477 560 177 P 07 3833 5632

Received on Thursday, 13 September 2018 08:08:38 UTC