DCAT team (revised October schedule)

As foreseen, daylight savings changes has made this tricky – Australia already moved our clocks, so the same UTC time is an hour later for us - https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?iso=20181011&p1=152&p2=47&p3=215&p4=136&p5=43&p6=224

Last week’s meeting was at the same local time for me, but confused some of the rest of you, so this invitation reverts to the UTC time that we used for the last few months. We’ll use this for the rest of October, pending the switch to a very different time of day as being arranged by Alejandra. (I’ll be an apology.)

Meeting agenda and minutes: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings

Webex details below – same password as before.
IRC http://irc.w3.org/ channel #dxwgdcat

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Received on Tuesday, 16 October 2018 19:41:18 UTC