Re: ACTION on ALL - FPWDs / Comments on Profiles Ontology

  Dear all, 

  here are my comments on Profiles Ontology [1], +1 for for publishing as FPWD.

- the introductory sentence is opaque, abstract and provides no clues about the purpose/use of the document,
  replace by a more "introductory" section.

 "An ontology for listing the set of resources required for a standard or a profile of one or more standards,
 such as schemas, ontologies, and rules, and for specifying the relationships between them and supporting artefacts,
 such as controlled vocabularies, validation tools, and guidelines."

- section 1. Introduction
    "The profiles ontology provides a structure to describe profiles of information standards."
    - is the target of profiles really "information standards" or something like "digital contents"?
    - introduce the verb "profile" in a technical sense, i.e. as adding constraints resolved according to
      inheritance rules defined at X. Otherwise sentences like "Standards which do profile others" are hard to

- section 5. Conceptual model
    - the "profile of" relation between base and specialized specifications (profiles) does not match my naive intuition,
      a profile would -extend-> a base profile, while it is -profile of-> digital content that adheres to it?

- section 6.5. Class: ResourceDescriptor
    - could not the dcat:Resource / Distribution content model be reused here to capture the implementation of the profile (part)
      (which does not match the "alignment PROF classes with DCAT 1.1")

- section 6.5.4 hasRole
    - is there a (preliminary) vocabulary of roles (e.g. as given in examples) defined?

 [1] -

On Sunday, November 11, 2018 16:34 CET, Karen Coyle <> wrote: 
> All,
> We have two documents that are ready to be issued as First Public
> Working Drafts,[1] [2]  and we want to promote them to this at the
> meeting on November 13.[3] The ACTION on everyone is to READ these
> documents and let us know IMMEDIATELY if you see a serious problem that
> would keep either of these from being published. Remember that a FPWD is
> a DRAFT and that anything can change in future drafts. The purpose of
> the draft is to solicit comments from the community on the direction of
> the work.
> You can also comment on the content of the drafts where you see the need
> for modifications to future drafts, and we will create github issues and
> discuss these, but these comments will not delay the FPWD.
> We will take a consensus vote on these at the meeting. If you are
> sending regrets, please also let us know how you would vote on these drafts:
> +1 issue as FPWD
> 0 abstain (but don't object)
> -1 object (and give your reason in enough detail that it can be addressed)
> kc
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> -- 
> Karen Coyle
> m: 1-510-435-8234 (Signal)
> skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600
Jaroslav Pullmann
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT
User-Centered Ubiquitous Computing
Schloss Birlinghoven | D-53757 Sankt Augustin | Germany
Phone: +49-2241-143620 | Fax: +49-2241-142146 

Received on Tuesday, 13 November 2018 20:59:47 UTC