Re: [dxwg] Example of catalogued service

How's this? Apart from using the proposed DCAT for services predicates, I made two significant changes:
1. The EEA catalog endpoint is a `dcat:DiscoveryService` (and thus is both a `dcat:Catalog` and a `dcat:DataService`). Not sure if the former actually applies though. 
2. I replaced your URI for the service with its actual URI. 

The second point will clearly need a discussion. In @andrea-perego's original (above) the service-description has a separate URI. I'm suggesting that the actual URI should be used, since the descriptor properties really are associated with that thing. I also added a new proposed property `dcat:endPoint` which is kinda comparable to the dcat:Distribution/dcat:accessURL property. 

  rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
  owl:imports <> ;

# The catalog  containing the service record

:MyCatalog a dcat:Catalog ;
  dcat:record :EEA-CSW-Endpoint-Record ;
  dcat:service <> ;

# The EEA CSW public endpoint

<> a dcat:DiscoveryService ;
  dc:subject "infoCatalogueService"@en ;
  dcterms:accessRights <> ;
  dcterms:conformsTo <> ;
  dcterms:description "The EEA public catalogue of spatial datasets references the spatial datasets used by the European Environment Agency as well as the spatial datasets produced by or for the EEA. In the latter case, when datasets are publicly available, a link to the location from where they can be downloaded is included in the dataset's metadata. The catalogue has been initially populated with the most important spatial datasets already available on the data&maps section of the EEA website and is currently updated with any newly published spatial dataset."@en ;
  dcterms:identifier "eea-sdi-public-catalogue" ;
  dcterms:issued "2012-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
  dcterms:license <> ;
  dcterms:spatial [
      rdf:type dcterms:Location ;
      locn:geometry "<gml:Envelope srsName=\"\"><gml:lowerCorner>-180 -90</gml:lowerCorner><gml:upperCorner>180 90</gml:upperCorner></gml:Envelope>"^^gsp:gmlLiteral ;
      locn:geometry "POLYGON((-180 90,180 90,180 -90,-180 -90,-180 90))"^^gsp:wktLiteral ;
    ] ;
  dcterms:title "European Environment Agency's public catalogue of spatial datasets."@en ;
  dcterms:type <> ;
  dcterms:type <> ;
  dcat:contactPoint :EEA ;
  dcat:endPoint <> ;

# The record about the EEA CSW public endpoint (a service)

:EEA-CSW-Endpoint-Record a dcat:CatalogRecord ;
  dcterms:conformsTo <> ;
  dcterms:identifier "4be5cb08-e082-426a-9c57-8a53d7cd3f65" ;
  dcterms:language <> ;
  dcterms:modified "2012-05-21"^^xsd:date ;
  dcterms:source :EEA-CSW-Endpoint-SourceRecord ;
  dcat:contactPoint :EEA ;
  foaf:primaryTopic <> ;

# The ISO 19119 record from which the GeoDCAT-AP catalog record has been derived

  dcterms:conformsTo <> ;

# The point of contact for both the catalog record and the service
:EEA a foaf:Organization ;
  vcard:hasEmail <> ;
  vcard:hasURL <> ;
  vcard:organization-name "European Environment Agency"@en ;

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Received on Friday, 18 May 2018 05:29:31 UTC