Re: [dxwg] dcat:keyword- check constraints

The goal of both is similar. They are both sub-properties of `dcterms:subject`. But: 

- `dcat:keyword` is an `owl:DatatypeProperty`. Its value is a literal (string)
- `dcat:theme` is an `owl:ObjectProperty`. Its value is a `skos:Concept`. 

`dcat:theme` would always be preferred **if a suitable SKOS ConceptScheme is available** because you can more precisely test if different datasets are classified with the same `skos:Concept`, while `dcat:keywords` would involve text comparisons. But people still need to enter keywords as free text sometimes. Yes - more textual guidance is always helpful. @riccardoAlbertoni could you propose some text? 

The proposal to drop domain constraints is to allow them either to be used on more classes, so we don't need yetanother property to attach a them or keyword to Catalogs etc. 

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Received on Wednesday, 21 March 2018 19:55:25 UTC