Re: [dxwg] Added a section to deal with quality and started some guidance for r…

OK - I understand now. 
1. the examples show how quality information can be associated with a `dcat"Dataset` using the `dqv:hasQualityAnnotation` and `dqv:hasQualityMeasurment` properties. The 'model' is complete. 
2. the illustration makes no comment on where the quality information would reside, how it is managed etc. That is out of scope for the DCAT vocabulary supplemented by DQV. We can just assume that the quality individuals are available using the URIs indicated. 

However, implementers of catalogs probably need some commentary on possible implementation options, from both a technical and governance point of view. Technically, the quality statements might be local (in the same datastore or catalog) or they might be remote (by de-referencing the URI). From a governance point of view, statements provided by the dataset (or dataservice) custodian might be part of the resource description, in the catalogue. Quality statements from a third party would more likely be persisted in another service, maybe entered through an annotation portal ... 

I suggest a few sentences - clearly labelled >informative< - be added to the narrative to provide pointers (but _not_ recommendations) to the possible implementation options. 

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Received on Thursday, 7 June 2018 09:57:09 UTC