Profile definitions / DCAT update

As we all come out of our holiday haze, it is time to get ready for some
important work on DCAT 1.1 and application profiles. Here are two
suggestions of mine for immediate activity - please add any others that
you can think of, and we can discuss at our meeting on January 9.

1) Hopefully the DCAT 1.1 work can begin with a review of the
requirements. As a "list" person, I'd probably want to create a list of
potential additions to DCAT and prioritize them in a way that helps the
editors make progress (e.g. easy/obvious, good but harder to define, may
not make it). Please do what *you* think will jump start that work.

2) Before work can get underway on the application profiles deliverable,
we need to define what we mean by profiles and application profiles.
Ruben and I have made a start of a discussion [1] but we need more
voices. You don't have to provide your own definitions if you don't
want, but at least make comments.

Thanks, and we'll post an agenda in the next day or two.

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234 (Signal)
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Received on Thursday, 4 January 2018 22:30:48 UTC