[DCAT] - 2018-02-14 meeting outcomes

The meeting of the DCAT team today discussed the following:

-          Global domain constraints on DCAT properties

o   proposal is to evaluate each separately, a set of new GitHub issues have been created for this

-          How to handle dependencies on external RDF vocabularies

o   we resolved that owl:imports will not be used, which is consistent with other W3C vocabularies

o   it was noted that potential use of PROV-O will introduce prov:Agent into the mix, which has no formal relationship with foaf:Agent and subclasses (in org:, person: etc) so this might need to be explained

-          Call for agenda items for next week's meeting.

Preliminary minutes here:

(headings 5. and 6. need to be switched - content under 6 belongs to heading 5 - is that something you can help with Dave Raggett?)

Simon J D Cox
Research Scientist - Environmental Informatics
Team Leader - Environmental Information Infrastructure
CSIRO Land and Water<http://www.csiro.au/Research/LWF>

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Received on Thursday, 15 February 2018 03:50:44 UTC