Re: changing my mind about versioning metadata

I think the question is whether the version information is part of the
metadata itself or is information about the metadata that is outside of
the metadata. (I'm assuming that DCAT will not define the content of the
metadata - if that assumption is wrong, ignore this.) Most metadata
records have some version information as administrative metadata, along
with who created the metadata and other such details. Is it desirable to
have metadata administrative properties within DCAT rather than/in
addition to the administrative metadata of the metadata itself?

It may help to identify the purposes of versioning for each resource.
One purpose that comes to mind is to make it possible to retrieve the
matching version for each resource, i.e. to obtain the the metadata for
the dataset version that is being retrieved. This could be achieved
through a direct link within the DCAT properties, which may be simpler
than a coordination of versions, especially if they dataset and metadata
don't always change in sync.


On 9/25/17 4:37 PM, Annette Greiner wrote:
> Thinking about this more, and looking again at DCAT, I think we do need
> to include versioning of metadata. Since DCAT already offers
> dct:modified as a possible attribute of a CatalogRecord, I think that it
> would be logical to allow people to apply versioning as well.
> -Annette
> On 9/25/17 8:02 AM, Dataset Exchange Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
>> dxwg-ACTION-44: Go back to use cases to discover which resources need
>> versioning, and create specific requirements
>> Assigned to: Alejandra Gonzalez Beltran

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234 (Signal)
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Received on Tuesday, 26 September 2017 15:19:22 UTC