Thanks - very helpful.

I guess i am seeing overlap between processing and usage.. e.g. review and
feedback workflows generating an annotated data product.

Will have a closer look..


On 31 May 2017 4:05 PM, "Eric Stephan" <> wrote:

> Hi Rob,
> I am one of the editors of the DUV technical note and participated in the
> W3C PROV (Sumit Purohit also a member of our working group is also in our
> DXWG working group).  During the Data on the Web Best Practices first F2F
> meeting the PROV-O -DUV connection was our initial inclination as well.
> However as use cases and resulting requirements evolved the concept of
> usage focused on: citation, feedback, and information describing how
> datasets (and dataset distributions) are used. These requirements tended to
> be oriented more toward annotation and publication instead of oriented to
> describing data lineage, processing history, or influence.
> It is also important to note that in a way, the DUV was an attempt at
> filling in some current gaps in DCAT 1.0.
> I'm pushing a deadline in the next 24 hours, but will be happy to discuss
> any of these aspects in further detail.
> Does this help?
> Thanks,
> Eric Stephan
> On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 5:40 PM, Rob Atkinson <>
> wrote:
>> Looking through the UC materials I scanned the Data Usage Vocabulary [1]
>> and was expecting it to have some alignment with the PROV-O scope - but its
>> not very obvious.
>> Has anyone got any further information or perspectives on the
>> relationship here?
>> Rob Atkinson

Received on Wednesday, 31 May 2017 06:26:56 UTC