Re: [Minutes] 2017-05-25

Hi, Makx. I added the dates to the page. We don't have start and end
times yet. I understand that people need them to make travel
arrangements. Will try to get that settled soon.

I, too, am accustomed to a meetings section on the main page, but in
this case there is a "Meetings" link on the left with other main
sections, and the meetings themselves are listed on that page. It's part
of some "automagic" that is coded into the W3C wiki that picks up
meetings info from the separate meetings wiki pages.


On 5/29/17 4:58 AM, Makx Dekkers wrote:
>   * Finally, please let us know whether you plan to come to the F2F in
>     Oxford in July. See (and edit)
> The Wiki page does not say which dates the meeting is held. Also, on the
> main page there is no
> ‘meetings’ section.
> What are the expected start and end times?
> Makx.

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234 (Signal)
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Received on Monday, 29 May 2017 14:51:36 UTC