RE: DCAP - some background

On Wednesday, June 14, 2017 11:13 PM, Rob Atkinson [] wrote:

> Great input. Thanks Karen!

Yes, absolutely!

> Its important we separate profiles _of_ DCAT and support for describing profiles of
> dataset specifications a dataset may conform to.
> Supporting multiple expressions of a given profile in DCAT may help users get familiar
> with the usage and discovery of profiles of DCAT. Certainly the uptake issue needs
> thought.

+1 to all of the above (which I think includes support for Karen's statement that "we need a hook between the vocabulary profile and the documentation/validation aspects". If it doesn't, +1 to that, too, assuming that a "vocabulary profile" is the same as a "profile" defined as "additional semantic or syntactic constraints").



Received on Monday, 19 June 2017 07:30:36 UTC