Re: DWBP is a W3C Recommendation

Congratulations to the entire DWBP WG and reviewers!

You've done a tremendous job creating a resource that was carefully considered, well communicated and beautifully documented! I commit to making sure that the #opendata community that I work with in the US and Australia knows about this excellent resource, and uses it! 

A working group is like a baton race. A core group pick it up, run with it, then pass it to the next group. It is hard to sustain steady contributions to standards groups indefinitely. A few of you are marathoners — Thanks to Phil, Hadley, Dee, Yaso and (the other) Bernadette ;-) who have worked tirelessly across multiple working groups for years! (Especially you Phil, you mad man!)

Thank you for this contribution to the Web of data. I personally know how satisfying it is to get collaborative deliverables "done & dusted.” I’ve enjoyed watching this one evolve.

We build on the work of others - that is the beauty of the Web and working groups. I’m looking forward the first 2017 meeting of the Australian Government Linked Data Working Group meeting on 2-Feb 2017, (organised by Australian National University’s Armin Haller), and being in the same timezone :-))

Our collective work on making and maintaining re-usable data on the Web takes on even greater importance in the current climate. Thanks again all.


Bernadette Hyland  || Twitter @BernHyland ||  Skype BernHyland 

PS. FYI - US Environmental Protection Agency launched its Open Data service, as fully Linked Open Data in late 2016, see We will ensure this detailed linked open data on pollution in the U.S., over 100K chemicals and millions of regulated facilities remains available to the global research community, one way or another. Follow @DataRefuge to track #opendata that is at risk. See also: @PPEHLab <> & @upennlib <>

> On Jan 31, 2017, at 11:18 PM, Phil Archer <> wrote:
> Take a bow ladies and gentlemen...
> The formal announcement has been sent to the members and the home page will be updated later in the day to point to the Rec (it'll be top news item - you might want to take a screenshot). I have also written a blog post at
> Please look out for tweets, make a noise, shout, promote etc.
> There have been times along this path when WG members have expressed their thanks to each other and sadness that the work is now done. I've not been ready to join in with that until now, i.e. now that both of the vocabularies are stable and the BP doc is published as a Recommendation.
> I am deeply grateful to the members of this WG. As I tried to say in Zagreb - your expertise and hard work makes each other look good and makes me look good. I know that those of us present were delighted to see so many references to the work while we were in Amsterdam recently. That's a sign that others have been and are watching, and that the work is useful. The quotes from Terence Eden and Jeremy Tandy included in the blog post are genuine and unprompted.
> It is the way of these things that it is the editors whose names are most frequently mentioned. That is right. The work that Antoine, Riccardo, Eric, Bernadette, Carol and Newton have done puts the rest of us in the shade. But we all know that it has been a group effort and the editors' hands have been guided by many voices.
> My own role is only possible with everyone else's effort which is why I am so humbled. If you'll allow me, there are three people I must thank by name: Hadley, Dee and Yaso. Their guidance and organisation has been essential to the group's success.
> What's Next?
> ============
> In terms of this WG, that's it. The group will be formally closed in the coming days, the mailing list made inactive (the archive persists) and the wiki frozen. If you want to make any edits to the wiki, do it now.
> As you know, I'm hoping to start a new WG on the topic of vocabularies, notably DCAT, coming out of the Amsterdam workshop. I'm supposed to have written the report by now - I'm working on it. I hope many of you will want to be in that WG.
> For DWBP, some have suggested that there's more to follow up on. I agree. The vehicle we have for that is the Community Group system so if you'd like to propose one, please do. See That would have its own (new) mailing list. I'm finding out whether such a group can still manage the Github repo or whether that too will be frozen.
> Again, a sincere and deeply felt thank you. It has been a privilege.
> Signing off from DWBP
> Phil
> -- 
> Phil Archer
> Data Strategist, W3C
> +44 (0)7887 767755
> @philarcher1

Received on Wednesday, 1 February 2017 10:39:59 UTC