Agenda for our FINAL call on Friday

Hi all,

Our final call for this working group is on Friday.  (Which makes me a bit
teary... I'll miss you all!)

The agenda is simple:

   - Vote on transitioning the BP doc to Proposed Recommendation. (This
   means that all the CR exit criteria must be met — including all the
   implementations gathered and ready to take to the director)
   - Vote on publishing a new draft of the Data Quality Vocabulary
   - Vote on publishing a new draft of the Data Usage Vocabulary

EDITORS: Could you please send round a link to your document ASAP (at the
latest, by 24 hours before our call), so that everyone can have a final
look at what we are publishing?

Thanks — and I'm looking forward to speaking to you on Friday!

Cheers,  and happy Thanksgiving to the Americans, :)



Received on Wednesday, 23 November 2016 14:53:15 UTC