Re: Final call to action for DWBP members..... take 10 mins add just one BP implementation example :)

Hello again!

Just an update, the spreadsheet to be filled in with the Evidences is 
the DWBP - Implementation Form [1].

Thank you! Kind regards,
BP Editors


On 11/11/16 11:26, Caroline Burle wrote:
> Hello!
> Thank you all so much for helping us getting evidences. We put all of 
> them on the spreadsheet DWBP - Implementation Report [1]. Please be 
> welcome to keep filling them there.
> Kind regards,
> BP Editors
> [1] 
> On 11/11/16 00:31, Eric Stephan wrote:
>> Newton, Berna, and Caroline,
>> I found more evidence for 8, 28, 30, 33.   Look on the left and right 
>> side of each tab on the spreadsheet. 
>> I'll keep digging later tonight.
>> On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 1:27 PM, Annette Greiner < 
>> <>> wrote:
>>     I've added a few to the spreadsheet with my name on it. I even
>>     found a good blog post for BP 28!
>>     -Annette
>>     On 11/10/16 3:19 AM, Deirdre Lee wrote:
>>>     Hi all,
>>>     As you can see from the overview the editors created, there are
>>>     a couple of BPs that have very few, or worse, no implementation
>>>     examples!
>>>     <>
>>>     These risk being removed from the BP doc.
>>>       * Super high-risk Best Practices!!
>>>           o Best Practice 27: Preserve identifiers (1)
>>>           o Best Practice 28: Assess dataset coverage (0)
>>>       * High-risk Best Practices!!
>>>           * Best Practice 8: Provide version history (3)
>>>           * Best Practice 11: Assign URIs to dataset versions and
>>>             series (2)
>>>           * Best Practice 20: Provide real-time access (2)
>>>           * Best Practice 30: Make feedback available (2)
>>>     *There are 60 participants in the DWBP group, so if everyone was
>>>     to add JUST ONE example, we would sail past our target :)*
>>>     Adding an implementation example using the new form only takes
>>>     about 10 minutes!
>>>     <>
>>>     We will have a catch-up meeting tomorrow to discuss pushing BP
>>>     doc over the line - we need implementation examples!
>>>     Agenda:
>>>     Talk to you all tomorrow!
>>>     Deirdre
>>>     ----------------------------------
>>>     Derilinx datAdore
>>>     Launch your own data portal in seconds
>>>     ----------------------------------
>>>     Deirdre Lee, CEO
>>>     Derilinx - Linked & Open Data Solutions
>>> <>
>>> <>
>>>     Address:  11/12 Baggot Court, Dublin 2, D02 F891
>>>     Tel:+353 (0)1 254 4316 <tel:%2B353%20%280%291%20254%204316>
>>>     Mob:+353 (0)87 417 2318 <tel:%2B353%20%280%2987%20417%202318>
>>>     <>
>>>     Twitter:  @deirdrelee
>>     -- 
>>     Annette Greiner
>>     NERSC Data and Analytics Services
>>     Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Received on Friday, 11 November 2016 13:42:07 UTC