Re: dwbp-ACTION-251: Work with ericstephan on creating examples of dataset usage counts in the dqv

Hi Eric,
A possible way is to define a metric which counts the usage of your
dataset. That metric is expected to be developed as a piece of software or
a Sparql query and considers information provided via DUV, (e.g., it could
simply count the number of distinct instances of duv:Usage associated to
your dataset and its distributions),

#let's define the  metric
            a dqv:Metric ;
            skos:definition "Checks the number of duv:Usage associated to a
dcat:Dataset and its distributions "@en ;
            dqv:expectedDataType xsd:integer ;
            dqv:inDimension :popularity

#we might define a dimension for that metric, i call the dimension
:popularity, but the name can be changed as you need.
            a dqv:Dimension ;
            skos:prefLabel "popularity"@en ;
            skos:definition "popularity of a dataset defined in terms of
times a dataset is reused"@en ;
            dqv:inCategory :qualityAssessmentEnabledByDUV

#of course, popularity is  not the only dimension DUV could  enable, among
the other,  another  dimension could  Trustworthiness(for example, assuming
that the more the dataset is reused by  distinct persons the more it is
trustable, ect). So we might think to have a category
 :qualityAssessmentEnabledByDUV  gathering all the dimensions  enabled by

            a  dqv:Category ;
            skos:prefLabel "QA enabled by DUV"@en ;
            skos:definition "Category grouping quality dimensions whose
assessment is enabled by DUV"@en

#Then the actual quality measurement  result obtained when  applying the
metric to  ex:timetable-001 can be represented with

            a dqv:QualityMeasurement ;
            dqv:computedOn :UsageDatasetMetric  ;
            dqv:isMeasurementOf :popularity ;
            dqv:value "168"^^xsd:integer

#such a  result can be also explicitly associated to your dcat dataset
      a dcat:Dataset;
      dct:title "Bus timetable of MyCity"^^xsd:string;
      dct:issued "2015-05-05"^^xsd:date;
      dct:publisher ex:transport-agency-mycity ;
      dcat:distribution ex:timetable-001-csv;
      dqv:hasQualityMeasurement :measurement1

Let me know if this example is of any use for you.  Of course, we might
think to refine it according to your indication.


On 23 March 2016 at 13:25, Eric Stephan <> wrote:

> Hi Riccardo,
> Below is an example we could use as a starting point.  How could we show
> usage counts?
> Thanks,
> Eric S
> ex:timetable-001
>       a dcat:Dataset;
>       dct:title "Bus timetable of MyCity"^^xsd:string;
>       dct:issued "2015-05-05"^^xsd:date;
>       dct:publisher ex:transport-agency-mycity ;
>       dcat:distribution ex:timetable-001-csv;
>       .
>     ex:timetable-001-csv
>       a dcat:Distribution;
>       dct:title "CSV distribution MyCity_busTimetable
> dataset."^^xsd:string ;
>       dct:description "CSV distribution of the bus timetable
>                        dataset of MyCity."^^xsd:string ;
>       dcat:mediaType "text/csv"^^xsd:string;
>       .
> On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 7:09 AM, Data on the Web Best Practices Working
> Group Issue Tracker <> wrote:
>> dwbp-ACTION-251: Work with ericstephan on creating examples of dataset
>> usage counts in the dqv
>> Assigned to: Riccardo Albertoni

Riccardo Albertoni
Istituto per la Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche "Enrico
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
via de Marini 6 - 16149 GENOVA - ITALIA
tel. +39-010-6475624 - fax +39-010-6475660
Skype: callto://riccardoalbertoni/
www: * <>*

Received on Wednesday, 23 March 2016 13:50:33 UTC