Re: reviewing the BP doc


I can understand the things you've said.
In a general sense, they are right (IMO).

But other members of the group can disagree.

What I have commented is about the use of the words abstract and instance.

Examples and text explanations are many times more clear than single words.


Em terça-feira, 7 de julho de 2015, Steven Adler <>

> Hi Laufer,
> Thanks for this lucid explanation.  I really understand you now.  Let me
> try to summarize what I think I am reading:
> 1.  "A Dataset" is a theoretical construct, an abstract thing, like a
> corporation, an entity that may or may not be comprised of organic life
> forms.  But certainly it is a collection of other things - documents,
> locations, concepts, computers, networks, chairs, desks, maybe people.
> 2.  "The Dataset" is a real thing, an entity comprised of data (columns
> and rows and/or bits and bytes).
> 3.  "The Dataset" may be an instance of "A Dataset" - the real thing is an
> example of the theoretical construct.
> 4.  "The Dataset" may be distributed to other people, computers, and even
> to abstract things like corporations.
> Do I have that right?
> Best Regards,
> Steve
> Motto: "Do First, Think, Do it Again"
> [image: Inactive hide details for Laufer ---07/07/2015 02:58:52 PM---Hi,
> Steve, As I commented before, the words abstract and instance]Laufer
> ---07/07/2015 02:58:52 PM---Hi, Steve, As I commented before, the words
> abstract and instance have different uses.
>    From:
> Laufer <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>>
>    To:
> Steven Adler/Somers/IBM@IBMUS
>    Cc:
> Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>>
>    Date:
> 07/07/2015 02:58 PM
>    Subject:
> Re: reviewing the BP doc
> ------------------------------
> Hi, Steve,
> As I commented before, the words abstract and instance have different
> uses. And I think is better to avoid its use without a clear definition.
> For example, when we are talking about Object Oriented things, an instance
> has a specific meaning.
> I think that the fact that the access to data from a Dataset is made
> through its distributions, this does not mean that a specific Dataset is an
> abstract thing. An "Organization", for example, IBM, is not an abstract
> thing. But I cannot reach IBM (I don't know if I am expressing my thoughts
> in a good way). I think "Organization" is an abstract thing and IBM is an
> instance of "Organization". In that way, "Dataset" (the concept, the class)
> is an abstract thing. But a specific Dataset, an instance of the abstract
> concept "Dataset", is not.
> But people use the word instance for other things. In the same way,
> abstract. The data that people can access, the data they can touch is what
> DCAT calls a distribution. Is this an instance of the Dataset? In terms of
> the informal use of the word instance, I think the answer is yes. But (IMO)
> is not an instance when we think about OO.
> If we have an API where someone could ask for a collection from a Dataset
> using a query, each of the answers will be a subset of the Dataset. Could
> we say that these subsets are instances of the Dataset?
> The audience of our BP document may have technical different levels (I
> guess), so I think that if we could avoid this confusion, it will be better.
> Best Regards,
> Laufer
> 2015-07-07 14:42 GMT-03:00 Steven Adler <**
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>>:
>    Laufer,
>    Good discussion.  Are you saying that there are instances of Datasets
>    that get distributed when someone downloads them?
>    Dataset
>    Best Regards,
>    Steve
>    Motto: "Do First, Think, Do it Again"
>    [image: Inactive hide details for Laufer ---06/30/2015 08:37:25
>    AM---Makx, I am really confused now.]Laufer ---06/30/2015 08:37:25
>    AM---Makx, I am really confused now.
>    From:
> Laufer <**
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>>
>    To:
> Makx Dekkers <**
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>>
>    Cc:
> Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group <**
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>>
>    Date:
> 06/30/2015 08:37 AM
>    Subject:
> Re: reviewing the BP doc
>    ------------------------------
>    Makx,
>    I am really confused now.
>    In what moment of this discussion I proposed to change this model?
>    My participation in this post was motivated exactly because I have
>    identified a proposal to change that model and I expressed my opinion to
>    contribute.
>    And, again, the word abstract was not introduced by me in this post.
>    And this word was the main reason for my opinion. I commented to take care
>    using the words abstract and instance.
>    I also agree that the group don't have to change the DCAT model (we
>    don't have time to that), but I don't see any problem If someone in the
>    group identifiy things missing in that model, and we discuss and even
>    decide to insert a note in our document about this.
>    But as all the things in the group, is a matter of proposals and
>    votings.
>    Laufer
>    Em terça-feira, 30 de junho de 2015, Makx Dekkers <
>    **
>    <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> escreveu:
>       Laufer,
>       Let’s not use words like ‘abstract things’ because we might have
>       different ideas what that phrase means.
>       What is clear is that dcat:Dataset and dcat:Distribution are
>       classes in the DCAT model. DCAT defines what they are and how they are
>       related. DCAT is also clear about how those classes relate to the physical
>       data files or to the endpoints that give access to the actual data.
>       I think we should restrict the discussion to that model. If not, we
>       might end up developing a different model, and I am not sure that this
>       group really wants to go there.
>       Makx.
>       *From:* Laufer [mailto:*
>       <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>*]
> * Sent:* 29 June 2015 22:30
> * To:* Makx Dekkers
> * Cc:* Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group
> * Subject:* Re: reviewing the BP doc
>       Ok, Makx.
>       I know this DCAT diagram. I am comfortable with this. And in this
>       model, both Datasets and Distributions are not abstract things.
>       What it is not comfortable to me is to consider that a Dataset is
>       an abstract thing.
>       Laufer
>       2015-06-29 16:04 GMT-03:00 Makx Dekkers <*
>       <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>*>:
>          Laufer,
>          Ø  I think we have to be carefull about using the words abstract
>          and instance.
>          Agree. Let’s not use those words.
>          Ø  From the discussions, it seems to me that the Dataset is an
>          abstract thing with instances that are the distributions.
>          Ø  This is what I have understood from the posts from Bernadette
>          and from you. And (until now) I do not agree with this.
>          This is **not** what I have argued. Please look at the diagram
>          and examples in section 4 of DCAT
>          **
>          <>. That
>          section gives an overview of the modelling approach of DCAT. I would agree
>          that there are many other ways you could model this space, but DCAT is just
>          what it is.
>          Makx.
>       --
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Received on Tuesday, 7 July 2015 23:48:57 UTC