Re: Data "on" the Web vs Data "in" the Web


On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 6:06 PM, Steven Adler <> wrote:
> I understand your point of view and you've written a passionate defense of
> RDF and Linked Data. Its not my intent to challenge your beliefs, but I
> would like to point out some facts and my interpretation.
> 1. According to IDC the RDF market was $10M in 2012 and is estimated to grow
> to $170M in 2017. That might sound like a lot but in comparison to the
> overall database market of about $30B its peanuts.

What is "the RDF market"?

> 2.  There might be government implementations of RDF but there are no Open
> Data implementations.

I'm having trouble understanding that statement when Phil has pointed
you at a lot of examples of government and non-government deployments
of RDF that are Open Data.

Are you talking about RDF triple stores rather than people using RDF?


Leigh Dodds
Freelance Technologist
Open Data, Linked Data Geek
t: @ldodds

Received on Tuesday, 25 March 2014 18:27:10 UTC