Re: definitions of DQV dimensions and DSD?

Dear Vladimir,
Again thanks for your useful feedbacks.
see my inline reply  after your comments.

On 6 July 2016 at 17:47, Vladimir Alexiev <> wrote:
> The document refers throughout to
> dimensions and categories such as:
> :availability  a dqv:Dimension; dqv:inCategory :accessibility.
> :completeness a dqv:Dimension; dqv:inCategory :intrinsicDimensions.

please keep in mind that  dimensions and metrics in dqv are meant to
be  suggestions and they should not be considered "normative", as
explained in our in-progress DQV document, section 6 [1], which  I am
quoting below:

"The goal of the Data Quality Vocabulary is not to define a normative
list of dimensions and metrics. There are already several reference
classifications available, which are the result of a lot of community
work. Unifying them here seems both hard and not desirable, as
fundamental approaches to quality vary between domains or even
applications. This section provides instead a set of examples,
starting from use cases included in the Use Cases & Requirements
document. In particular, we offer the quality dimension proposed in
ISO 25012 [ISOIEC25012] and Zaveri et al. [ZaveriEtAl] as two starting
points. Ultimately, implementers will need to choose themselves the
approach that fits best their needs. They can extend on these starting
points, creating their own refinements of categories and dimensions,
and of course their own metrics. They can mix existing approaches — we
show that the proposals from ISO and Zaveri et al. are not completely
disjoint. Implementers can also adopt completely different
classifications, if existing ones do not fit their specific
application scenarios. They should however be aware that relying on
existing classifications and metrics increases interoperability, i.e.,
the chance that human and machine agents can properly understand and
exploit their quality assessments."

Said that, to make DQV early adopters' life easier we have  provided
 a turtle [2]  for dimensions and categories defined by Zaveri et al.
In the next version of this turtle, we  will probably  add a proper

> Also, example 5.10 Express the quality of a linkset says
> "Copying the structure of daq:dsq"
> and then shows stuff like this, including components that refer to standard
> DQV properties
> ... a qb:DataStructureDefinition
>     qb:component  [ qb:dimension  dqv:computedOn ; qb:order 2] ;
>     qb:component  [ qb:measure  dqv:value] ;
> When can be expected that Turtle files will appear including:
> - the definitions of common dimensions and categories,
> - as well as the CUBE DSD for the standard DQV properties?
>   (I guess this could come through copying from DAQ, which I've read briefly
> about)

We are not providing a CUBE DSD, as the DSD might be  application-dependent.
In the latest in progress draft , we've added a proper appendix  to
explain how DSD can be defined. It is up to the adopter  deciding the
DSD which best fits his application. Please take a look at the
appendix [3].


Riccardo Albertoni
Istituto per la Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche "Enrico Magenes"
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
via de Marini 6 - 16149 GENOVA - ITALIA
tel. +39-010-6475624 - fax +39-010-6475660
Skype: callto://riccardoalbertoni/

Received on Friday, 15 July 2016 12:27:45 UTC