definitions of DQV dimensions and DSD?

The document refers throughout to
dimensions and categories such as:

:availability  a dqv:Dimension; dqv:inCategory :accessibility.
:completeness a dqv:Dimension; dqv:inCategory :intrinsicDimensions.

Also, example 5.10 Express the quality of a linkset says 
"Copying the structure of daq:dsq" 
and then shows stuff like this, including components that refer to standard
DQV properties

... a qb:DataStructureDefinition
    qb:component  [ qb:dimension  dqv:computedOn ; qb:order 2] ;
    qb:component  [ qb:measure  dqv:value] ;

When can be expected that Turtle files will appear including:
- the definitions of common dimensions and categories,
- as well as the CUBE DSD for the standard DQV properties?
  (I guess this could come through copying from DAQ, which I've read briefly

Received on Wednesday, 6 July 2016 15:48:09 UTC