Re: Thoughts on testing DPUB-AAM and DPUB-ARIA

> On 4 Nov 2016, at 15:26, Shane McCarron <> wrote:
> I was doing some work on DPUB testing this morning, and I wanted to capture some ideas here to see if they resonate with anyone else.  In no particular order they are:
> We can easily use WPT to exercise a11y api mappings with the new ATTA stuff [1]. This will work on major platforms.  It will not (yet) work on proprietary platforms, but we don't have mappings for those anyway!  I think that this is all that is needed to provide testing of dpub-aam and get that over the CR hurdle.
> We could use WPT and a simple interface to check dpub-aria documents for role attribute usage.  This would be a purely manual check in that a user would need to put content into a text area then run the test.  This would allow basically anyone who can access the internet to run their own tests.
> Another way would be to write a simple scripts to run over input and extract role attribute value usage.  This would NOT be part of the WPT environment, but would probably be useful if someone wanted to process a ton of HTML documents.
I am tempted to go for the second option here, because my gut feeling is it may make it easier to generate a decent and readable report of the testing, with names and references to the users, etc. The report should be easy to read for the Director…
> We could probably figure out a way to automate the manual test option above, but it would require some sort of instrumentation on the part of the test users (e.g., a web server with a folder full of files that it could retrieve).
I do not think we should go there.


> Thoughts?  Other ideas?
> [1] <>
> --
> Shane McCarron
> Projects Manager, Spec-Ops

Ivan Herman, W3C
Digital Publishing Technical Lead
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Friday, 4 November 2016 14:32:34 UTC