Re: case for abstract?

Oops, meant to send this to the dpub ig, but keeping both lists on since it seems appropriate to both...

From: Matt Garrish 
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 10:26 PM
Subject: case for abstract?

In the interests of solving abstract, the first question I’d ask is: is it critical for the first iteration of this vocabulary?

It was a term that was introduced in epub for education, and it seems more suited to scholarly and education publishing. I’m not even sure the last time I spotted an abstract outside of those contexts, or specifications, at any rate. We’re not trying to cover everything, and there are absences like dedication that seem more commonly usable.

Should it be punted to future discussions about stem/scholarly, as we’ve similarly passed on assessments, learning-* and statement?

And if anyone is using it currently in their EPUBs, please feel free to make a case for or against swapping in summary. I’ve said my fill on where I think we’ll run into ambiguity with that term in the other thread, but I don’t have any skin in the game and talking theory is about as useful as spouting hot air.


Received on Tuesday, 14 April 2015 02:29:57 UTC