Re: Tomorrow's A11Y DPUB call


Regrets, I can't not attend. This shedule is very inconvinient for 
people from europe.



On 19/03/2015 22:35, Charles LaPierre wrote:
> Hello everyone here is a reminder for our weekly A11Y DPUB call tomorrow.
> The call is at 1:00 PM PDT / 4:00 PM EDT (20:00 UTC)
> Remember we gave you all homework last week to start thinking about what
> is missing from WCAG in regards to DPUB.  Below is a copy of what she
> wrote to the group for your reference.
> *Original Email From Deborah (March 13)*
> Hello, team!
> Thank you for all the hard work you have done helping us go through the
> WCAG guidelines to talk about which ones were relevant to digital
> publishing. Now we want to come at the exact same question from the
> opposite direction: what are digital publishing concerns which might not
> be addressed by existing W3C guidelines. To start with, we would really
> just like you to brainstorm in this email thread about what some
> concerns of digital publishing actually *are*, from big picture to
> micro, from very abstract to very specific. Linking to existing lists is
> great, or just reeling things off is also useful.
> I'm going to start us off with saying just a few things that I've been
> thinking about lately:
> * Pagination
> * annotation
> * internationalization
> I know, those are all pretty big picture. :-)
> Let's see if we can get a discussion going and a list to talk about over
> the course of this next week, aiming to have a finalized list by a week
> from today, Friday 20 March.
> Deborah
> _______________________________
> Charles LaPierre
> <>

Received on Friday, 20 March 2015 07:38:45 UTC