welcome to the dpub accessibility task force

Dear Digital Publishing Task Force members,

Welcome to the task force! I'm Deborah Kaplan, and I'm a support engineer at 
Safari Books Online. My co-leader is Charles LaPierre, who is a Senior 
Software Engineer at Benetech. Our goal in this task force is going to be the
production of a few documents around the relationship of W3C and digital 
publishing. More about that later.

We apologize for the slow start getting off the ground. Because of our time 
zone complexities as a team (which is a sign of how healthily international we 
are), Charles and I propose that we kick off our task force's work over email, 
rather than over a voice call. If anyone would feel better if we had a voice 
call, please speak up, and we will do our best to schedule one.

While Charles and I get the framework for the task force's work up and running, 
we'd like to ask you to get a head start on understanding what we're going to 
be trying to do.  The Mobile Accessibility Task Force  has been very helpful in 
sharing their process. Although we will not be proceeding exactly as they have, 
much of the work we will do as a group will be inspired by their tasks and 
process. It would be very helpful if over the course of this week you could 
look through the work at


You can get an idea of some of the documents they developed, for example


and many others,as well as their founding documents, especially the work 


Although we will not be re-creating their process identically, we will be doing 
similar enough work that it will be very useful if you all take a look at their 

Thank you,

Deborah Kaplan
Safari Books Online

Charles LaPierre

Received on Tuesday, 9 December 2014 20:34:19 UTC