disposition OK Re: LC-1573 Disposition of Comment about Examples

At 2:06 PM +0000 29 01 2007, Rhys Lewis wrote:
>Hello Al,
>Thanks again for your comments on the DISelect Last call.
>In your response to the disposition of comments for Gilman-5 [1], 
>you did not accept the disposition of the comment. You correctly 
>pointed out that the problem only went away because we claimed to be 
>creating new examples in a separate Primer documents.
>I'm happy to comply with a request to change the disposition to 
>'overtaken by events' and delighted that ExIT allows it. (I will 
>post the update to the disposition later today when I've been able 
>to create the new links)
>Perhaps you would be able to confirm your acceptance of this 
>change by posting to the list?

Done.  Al

>Very best wishes
>Rhys Lewis

Received on Tuesday, 30 January 2007 17:54:00 UTC