Re: McCathieNevile-6

On Mon, 11 Sep 2006 09:09:52 +0200, Rhys Lewis <>  

Hi Rhys,

>> From your response, it sounds as though I've misunderstood the original  
>> comment.
> I took it to refer to the set of links associated with each section of a  
> multifile HTML rendering of a W3C specification. The recent XHTML 2 WD  
> is an example. Here is the list module page as an example.
> At the top of the page is a set of links for navigating to important  
> parts of the document.
> These don't appear in the single page version.
> Ok, so it sounds as though that is not what you meant, so I'm at a bit  
> of a loss. Can you show an example of a current W3C specification that  
> includes the link you'd like to see?

That document also uses elements in the head to provide navigation to key  
points - and this is useful even in a single page version. The code in  
question is

<link rel="start" type="text/html" href="Overview.html" />
<link rel="contents" type="text/html" href="Overview.html#toc" />
<link rel="prev" type="text/html" href="mod-hypertext.html" />
<link rel="next" type="text/html" href="mod-core.html" />



   Charles McCathieNevile, Opera Software: Standards Group
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Received on Monday, 11 September 2006 16:35:47 UTC