Generator Microsoft Word 11 (filtered medium) Al,

Thanks for the comments from the WAI group on the content selection last call [1]. As part of this you include a point about the scope of information that can be used in expressions that control selection of content.

The DIWG assigned this comment the identifier WAI-1.

This mail document' s the DIWG' s response to your comments.

DIWG Response

In summary, DIWG agrees with this comment. The following response indicates the changes we plan to make. We'll respond more fully with details of the actual changes once they have been determined.

XPath expressions within the expr attribute can use any information available to the processor. The specification explicitly discusses extensions by way of additional XPath functions and provides the means by which authors can check for the availability of the functions on which their expressions may depend.

However, the specification only explicitly discusses a 'starter set' of functions which mimic the capabilities of the proposed CSS Media Queries specification. It is certainly not the intention of DIWG to imply that this is the only set of functions that can be used. We recognise that the current structure of the document can lead to this impression, which is certainly not what we intend. To try and address this, DIWG has split the definition of functions into a separate document. At the same time, DIWG has defined additional functions which broaden the capability of the specifications. This document will be published with a revised version of the DISelect document for second last call.

The point about access to the host language document is interesting and is an example of a more general case for access to materials other those within the delivery context itself. DIWG has addressed this by expanding the set of XPath functions available to include mechanisms for accessing the host language document. It has also created a small-footprint profile that omits this support (DISelect Basic Profile) to allow DISelect to be used in resource constrained environments. 


Best wishes

Received on Monday, 4 September 2006 09:05:34 UTC