Meeting Digital Offers CG Monday May 8 at 12 Noon Eastern

The next meeting of the W3C Digital Offers Community Group is Monday, May 8, 2017 at 12 Noon Eastern (US).

The primary purpose of the meeting is to finalize the use cases the Community Group will move forward with.  The ballot to prioritize them is closed, but can be reviewed here: We welcome any further feedback on prioritization you may have during Monday's meeting.


Linda Toth
Director of Standards
Conexxus, Inc.
Office: (727)-754-6747
Cell:  (727)-631-5536

Please add to your calendars with call in information is as follows:

Please use IRC for chat

IRC: Access Directly the digital offers IRC channel through the W3C IRC Web Interface

              * Channel: #digitaloffers

              * Or, if you are configuring your own client:, port 6667.

              * When you join, type "present+ <yourircnickname>" so that you are properly recorded in the minutes

For voice use gotomeeting as shown below:

Access Code: 389-946-949

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Received on Friday, 5 May 2017 19:12:25 UTC