Starting dedicated weekly Thursday calls on finishing the DID Spec and the DID Resolution Spec

Per the discussion on yesterday's CCG call, we will be holding a special
set of calls for all CCG members who want to contribute to two goals:

   1. Closing any open issues to complete the CCG Community Final Report on
   the DID (Decentralized Identifier) specification.
   2. Completing the first draft of the DID Resolution Specification.

Both of these are goals that the CCG would like to accomplish before the
planned vote to form a DID Working Group, which we're hoping will happen
soon. I'm hoping the DID spec all will not last beyond the next 5-6 weeks;
the DID Resolution spec call may continue after that.

The DID Resolution spec folks had already established an every-other-week
call from 1-2PM PT / 20:00-21:00 UTC. After discussing it with Markus, we
propose to switch to a *weekly set of two calls* beginning *Thursday March

   1. A DID Spec call from 1-2PM PT / 20:00-21:00 UTC.
   2. A DID Resolution Spec call from 2-3PM PT / 21:00-22:00 UTC.

We would like to use a single Zoom meeting room for both calls (Zoom has
full online HD audio and video, plus support for international dial-in if
needed). We'll publish the Zoom Room to the list each week prior to the

Most of the conversation will be recorded in github comments on issues for
the two specs, however will keep also keep general notes from each call and
send them to the list after the call so that everyone will be informed of
the outcomes, plus report on them at each CCG meeting.

Please mark your calendars and we'll talk to you starting Thursday March 21.


Received on Thursday, 14 March 2019 01:59:14 UTC