First two final #RebootingWebOfTrust VIII Barcelona papers

The first two papers from last month's #RebootingWebOfTrust (our eighth!)
in Barcelona are final and are available in Github.

The first was "RWoT8 DID Specification Refinement" paper, led by Manu
Sporny with Dan Burnett, Ken Ebert, Amy Guy, and Drummond Reed:

"In preparation for this hand off, a group at Rebooting the Web of Trust
triaged issues related to the DID specification, refined existing proposals
related to the specification, and gathered new features and requirements
from the community. The result of this work is outlined in this document."

The 2nd paper to go final is "How will SSI Will Survive Capitalism" led by
Adrian Gropper with Michael Shea and Martin Riedel:

"In this paper, we apply the SWOT framework (Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats) to identify potential paths to adoption. For
example, what are the general implications of introducing a credential
holder into existing issuer/verifier relationships? Our analysis leads to
cooperative (in the legal sense) governance with focus on the holder (the
wallet) as the key innovation, since issuers and verifiers already exist."

Share these papers with your colleagues and give them some social media
love. Only 23 more papers to go (hopefully) before our next design workshop
#RWOT10 in Prague September 3-6th! Save that date!

-- Christopher Allen

Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2019 06:27:55 UTC