slight changes in digital publishing related mailing lists

Dear all,

Quite some time ago W3C established the Digital Publishing Community group[1]. It was the first step for the W3C to seek contacts with the Digital Publishing Industry at large. The Community Group has some discussions at the beginning, and also a few telcos, but it was then overtaken by events. Indeed, W3C has initiated a number of W3C workshops [2][3][4] and, finally, a separate Activity[5] as well as a dedicated Interest Group[6] have been set up. The goals of the activity and the IG are the continuation of the goals of the original Community Group[1], namely to document use cases, requirements, priorities, etc, that the Publishing Community at large has, and that it expects the Open Web Platform to solve to move forward in an interoperable manner.

However, it became clear in the past few weeks is that, unfortunately, there is a number of uncertainty on what mailing list the community should use in general. Indeed, the CG had its own community group mailing list:; the Interest group has two mailing lists, namely for IG specific discussions (which, though publicly archived, is meant to be used by the members of the Interest Group), as well as the, meant for public discussions at large, regardless of IG membership (IG members are automatically subscribed to it, too). This led to confusions in the past.

To reduce the source of confusion, we would propose the following changes:

- The and the should be merged. This means that the subscription list of will be merged with the one of, and the will be discontinued. The 'new' will remain publicly archived, anyone can subscribe and post to it, and the members of the Interest Group will be automatially subscribed. This mailing list should be used for general discussion on W3C and digital publishing, whether the topic is discussed in the IG or not. 

- The will remain as is: it is publicly archived, members of the Interest Group will be automatically subscribed, non members can also subscribe but cannot post to the list. It is the primary mailing list for the IG.

- The Community Group will be closed.

We hope this set of changes are satisfactory to all; comments are, of course, welcome. We plan to implement it a in the course of next week, when all the W3C team will be back from a current meeting.

(To emphasize: current subscribers, whether members of the IG or not, do not have anything to do; you will all be automatically subscribed.) 

Best regards to all



Ivan Herman, W3C 
Digital Publishing Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Tuesday, 12 November 2013 05:31:53 UTC