Re: [mediaqueries] MathML

Does MathJax work outside of a browser from a command line?

Are there other high-quality applications that produce SVG besides MathJax?

On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 4:18 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. <> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 11:36 AM, Paul Topping <> wrote:
> > Except when the person using the UA needs math accessibility.
> Accessibility requires that the rendering be customized for the individual.
> The text to be spoken for a mathematical expression is different for a
> student learning math than for a scientist who already understands the
> math. This is mostly easily achieved via client-side implementation, though
> it is technically feasible to implement such a feature at the server with
> perhaps degradation in quality and higher latency. Since the user has to
> navigate around the math, latency is a particular issue. For practical
> reasons, delivering MathML to the UA works best. Finally, this is a classic
> chicken-and-egg problem. Publishers want to deliver MathML but, as most are
> in education, they also have to serve all users and can't usually dictate
> the user's browser.
> As I stated in my earlier message, using MathML for a11y only is
> already possible, and can be done without having to care about the
> UA's support for displaying MathML.  (You simply visually hide it, so
> that whether or not it's rendered isn't detectable.)  There are many
> ways to render the MathML to a different display format - HTML, SVG,
> raster image - some of which can offer good a11y interaction for
> sighted users too.
> And again, per the discussion that Florian outlined at the top of this
> thread, and I offered further details of, "publishers want to deliver
> MathML" does *not* appear to be a universal sentiment, at all.  They
> want good-looking equations and accessibility. MathML *theoretically*
> provides both of them in a single package, but in practice it often
> fails at the first (or at least requires extensive testing across all
> the target UAs), and it's possible to use MathML merely as an
> authoring format, rendering to a different display format and then
> including the MathML in a hidden fashion for a11y, thus achieving
> publisher goals without requiring an additional MQ.
> On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 12:57 PM, Joe Trenton <>
> wrote:
> > Are high-quality applications out there that produce SVG out of MathML?
> Yes; MathJax in particular gives pretty great results. (And once
> you've generated it in MathJax, you can be sure that it'll display
> correctly across browsers, as SVG rendering is predictable. Or MathJax
> can output to HTML, or <canvas> for a raster image.)
> ~TJ

Received on Wednesday, 5 October 2016 12:54:42 UTC