RE: Fwd: [Moderator Action] RE: Active lobbying: Math

On Mon, 24 Aug 2015, Paul Topping wrote:

> Convincing them to implement EPUB would be a worthwhile cause.

Yes, absolutely.

> Isn't the bigger problem convincing students and teachers to adopt etextbooks? 
I'm sure many of you here know the actual data, and anecdotes are not data. But I do know that when I was a graduate student two years ago, I had two choices: print, or the official electronic textbook through our vendor, which was an epub which could only be read through the vendor's reading system.

At that institution, in any case, the students and the teachers aren't making the decisions. If you buy a textbook, you get the electronic version as is delivered, which is usually EPUB.

But again, I'm sure many people on this list have the actual data.

  (There was non-terrible accessibility on the reading system (since it is an educational platform with compliance requirements), so it was minimally usable without a mouse. But the textbooks were unedited OCR, so I wouldn't have wanted to use them with a screen reader.

That's a content problem, though. Unedited OCR isn't going to end up with MathML markup no matter what the reader supports.)


Received on Monday, 24 August 2015 17:29:45 UTC