Re: Fwd: [Moderator Action] RE: Active lobbying: Math

From: Paul Topping <>

>       I should also add that full MathML support in browsers would not eliminate MathJax from many websites

I want to stress that the push for native MathML is not out of any desire to get rid of MathJax. It is out of the need for publishers to be able to distribute native math that can be read by screen readers without users having to do anything special. And once again, I think at the moment, digital publishing's greater concern is not browsers (where at least MathJax is an option, and theoretically a work with MathML could contain links on how to install MathJax where necessary). Rather, the greater concern is non-browser-based reading systems, frequently used for textbooks, which have legal requirements for accessibility.

I worry less about convincing the big brother manufactures that it's in their best interest to do native MathML. I worry more about convincing the textbook reading systems, where MathJax is often not an option.

So often it takes an actual lawsuit before things change. I would like us to prove Bill correct; that this can be done by showing numbers to the people who make decisions based purely on numbers. It would be great if there didn't have to be an actual lawsuit first.


Received on Monday, 24 August 2015 14:59:19 UTC