[DPUB Metadata] Invitation re Identifiers in URIs project

Hi, Folks-

At TPAC today, in the context of the Metadata Task Force discussion, I took an action item to research how the various organizations responsible for either the maintenance or use of important IDs (ISBNs, DOIs, ISSNs, ISNIs, ORCIDs, etc.) promote the expression of their IDs as URIs, and what services are provided associated with that (i.e., what happens when you click on the link of an identifier expressed as a URI).

This will involve brainstorming relevant identifiers and organizations (e.g., both CrossRef and DataCite use DOIs, but quite differently; ISNI and ORCID can both be expressed as URIs but the services associated with them are different; etc.), researching their documentation of this issue on their websites, and most likely talking with people at the organizations to get a sense of how (or whether, or to what extent) they advocate expressing the relevant identifiers as URIs, what kind of takeup they get from their constituency.

This should be a relatively short project. It is just an information-gathering activity, to help us see what further action we might take in this regard in the future. Our deliverable will probably just be a short report summarizing what we find.

If you'd like to help with this, please e-mail me with "ID-in-URI Volunteer" in the subject line. When we determine who will be involved, we'll schedule an initial call to discuss how to proceed, but the rest of the work will probably mainly be done by e-mail. It should only take a few weeks. We're committed to finishing by mid-December.


P.S. Note that I have both an ISNI and an ORCID in my e-mail sig. One's a URI but the other one isn't. Pretty obvious that the blue one is way better, huh? ;-)

Bill Kasdorf
Vice President, Apex Content Solutions
Apex CoVantage
W: +1 734-904-6252
M: +1 734-904-6252
ISNI: 0000 0001 1649 0786

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Received on Saturday, 1 November 2014 00:29:31 UTC